Flashback to one of our 2016 Newsletters…
“Four years ago, this organization began to dream of a new home. We dreamed of a home large enough to accommodate all the patients who we believed would come to us for care. We dreamed of a home large enough to permit expansion our services to fill the gaps we witnessed in charitable healthcare in our community. We dreamed of a home large enough to accommodate the students who wanted us to help train them to care for the poor and underserved.”
Now flashforward…
Back then, we dared to dream a dream so big it was doomed for failure lest God be in it. Today, from that new home we dreamed of, we have:
- Provided nearly 1,800 vaccinations to uninsured children
- Provided nearly 52,000 appointments to the poor and uninsured
- Provided more than 5,000 dental appointments
- Assisted more than 10,000 people with prescription refills
- Assisted more than 4,400 people obtain diagnostic labwork
- Helped 542 people in pain or crisis to avoid an emergency room visit
- Served 1,166 people who could seek healthcare only during a weekend
- Added an additional location, giving our community two combined medical and dental clinics to rely on for their physical and oral health needs
And we are dreaming again – dreaming of expanding our programs to better meet the current and future needs of the poor and uninsured as Gwinnett’s population continues to grow each year. The Atlanta Regional Commission estimates Gwinnet will reach 1.4 million people by 2040. Nearly 14% will be poor.
Please join us as a friend and donor by participating in our 2020 Campaign and help us reach our goal of achieving in 2020 the capacity, including new programs such as physical therapy and vision care, to serve the needs of our neighbors.