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Make An Appointment
678-280-6630 (West) | 770-806-0162 (East)

Make An Appointment
678-280-6630 West Gwinnett clinic
770-806-0162 East Gwinnett clinic

Health Insurance in Georgia and Gwinnett County

An estimated 1.9 million people, 20% of all Georgians, are uninsured.

In Atlanta, nearly one in four people of working age are without health insurance. The city ranked fifth in the nation for its number of uninsured residents.

In Gwinnett County, the second largest county in Georgia with a population of nearly one million, 14% live below the poverty level, and 26.5% of its working population is without health insurance.

How We Bridge the Gap

Good Samaritan Health Centers of Gwinnett serves the north metropolitan Atlanta area.

Our healthcare services are made available exclusively to the poor and uninsured, who very often are unemployed or underemployed. Good Sam Gwinnett creates savings for the community by being affordable and easily accessible for our patients. The value of services we render represents the likely uncollectible debt the hospital system would experience if not for our charity medical clinic.

In addition to these savings, the impact of our programs extends to the improved quality of life to our patients and their families, reduced loss of productivity in the workplace due to illness, and increased exposure and sensitivity among rising medical professionals to the needs of the poor and uninsured.

Patient Demographics

Our patients are predominately Hispanic (77%), single (56%), women (63%), about 41 years old (range: <1-96), with a median household income of $22,783 supporting 4.4 individuals. Eighty-nine percent reside in Gwinnett County, and nearly 90% are employed. More than 70 countries are represented within our patient population.

Services are provided to all patients regardless of race, color religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, or immigration status.

Race and Ethnicity - Our Patients

Data from 2016.

Race and Ethnicity - Gwinnett County

Year 2015. Source Census Bureau.


Our Patients 100%
Gwinnett County 25%

Data from 2016.


Our Patients 89%
Gwinnett County 96%

Data from 2016.


Our Patients 63%
Gwinnett County 51%

Data from 2016.


Our Patients 44%
Gwinnett County 52%

Data from 2016.

Persons Per Household


Average Household Income

Serve With Us



Good Sam Gwinnett relies on medical and dental volunteers as well as translator, counselor, and administrative assistant volunteers.



Good Sam of Gwinnett hires medical and dental professionals periodically. Check here for available positions.


Student Rotations

We accept queries from students who have completed at least one clinical rotation elsewhere.

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