Squinting can momentarily help you to see things better. Take a moment and squint at the photo just above. What you are looking at is the recently cleared out interior of the building we purchased on 1175 Commercial Court, Norcross, to become the new home of our Good Samaritan East clinic later this year. In the foreground is the space allocated to the dental clinic; it is twice the size of our current East dental clinic and will allow us to add two dental chairs, increasing the dental patient capacity of that clinic by 50%.
If you squint long enough, you just might see the additional 2,000+ appointments we will be able to schedule each year simply by adding two dental chairs. By the end of July this year, we, the only full-time charitable dental practice serving all of Gwinnett County, will have twelve dental chairs in operation and then be on track to provide 7,500 dental appointments each year for poor and uninsured adults and children.
You don’t have to squint at that photo at all, though, to see that there is no money lying on the floor. That would be because we are not yet flush with cash for this project. We have raised $2,526,200 (thanks be to God) of our $3.2 million needed to complete the project; an additional $674,000 is needed and needed soon. We’re squinting hard to find generous donors to help us fully fund this project. We sure would see you a lot better if you were to take a step toward us!
Please consider how you can help us to finish this capital project on time and without the need to scale back our plans. Help us to bring light not only into the dark spaces of an empty building, but also into the lives of our neighbors who have expensive needs but limited means.
Want to tour the site? Review the blue prints? Sure! Call 678-280-6630, ext. 107 or email me.