Reaching our Neighbors Next Door and Abroad
At our Buford Highway location in Norcross, we display a large world map and invite our customers to mark their home country with a pushpin. Today, 70 countries are represented among our patients. It is not uncommon that within one day, you may hear four different languages spoken in our medical and dental exam rooms.
To think that God is using us to help people all around the world is truly humbling and fills me with awe. As Gwinnett County’s population reaches 1.5 million, I believe we will see more people living in the county who were not born in the U.S. Whether this phenomenon will cause our community to be more disconnected or more united, Christ’s command to serve our neighbors (wherever they come from) has not changed. Good Samaritan Health Centers of Gwinnett, a Christian ministry, understands every member of society is our neighbor. We know this because of Jesus’s Parable of the Good Samaritan — our very inspiration for being — in which He gave in response to the question, “And who is my neighbor?”
Our ministry wants to be a catalyst for community unification. I believe we can achieve that goal through the delivery of faith-based health and dental services for the poor and uninsured using the talents of a culturally diverse body of health care and dental providers. Again and again, the Bible shows Jesus bringing people into a loving relationship with Himself after He first relieved them of their pain and suffering. We follow His example.
Gwinnett County’s tagline, “Vibrantly Connected,” speaks to our dynamic community, which includes a plethora of nonprofit relief agencies offering food, clothing, shelter, and more. Each one of us plays an important role in this interwoven community. Our neighbors in need depend on your generosity. We saw our customers open our front doors more than 29,587 times last year, and we believe this ministry, supported by generous donors like you, can be a catalyst for unification across Gwinnett. You directly touch so many lives and indirectly impact so many more, restoring health and inspiring hope for breadwinners and homemakers within families living paycheck to paycheck.
Again and again, the Bible shows Jesus bringing people into a loving relationship with Himself after He first relieved them of their pain and suffering. We follow His example.
Restoring hope is as important a goal for us as restoring health. Our providers work hard every day to introduce people to Christ in the confidence that as the Christian church grows, all the members will become one body in Christ, living in harmony and having compassion for each other. It is a lofty goal, yes, and a worthy one as well. We are thankful to the many faithful supporters who generously partnered with us in our year-end campaign to transform lives. Because of you, 7,340 individuals will receive access to affordable health and dental care services by having contributing over $330,000. We pray you to continue joining us in making a positive difference in our community.
May you be blessed in abundance so you may bless with abandon!
— Gregory E. Lang, PhD, Executive Director