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678-280-6630 (West) | 770-806-0162 (East)

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678-280-6630 West Gwinnett clinic
770-806-0162 East Gwinnett clinic

Throwing Fishing Net During Sunrise, Thailand

Casting our Nets

Four years ago, a struggling nonprofit came to us for help. Bridge Atlanta Medical Center once operated a charitable clinic similar to ours, but they could only open a couple days a week. We chose to merge our organizations, and this was the beginning of our second clinic, dubbed Good Samaritan Health Center of East Gwinnett.

In 2020, we completed construction of our new East clinic (now located off of Rockbridge Road) and opened the doors on Oct. 26 — in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We took a leap of faith — we cast our nets — trusting God would continue the good work He started in us. While businesses were closing all around our nation, we struggled too. We pivoted almost daily and at one point for a short time, only one of our clinics could be open. That is not the case anymore.

In John 21, some disciples went fishing one night but did not catch anything. In the morning, they encountered a man standing on the shore who told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat. Once they did this, they began to catch more fish than they could handle. Their net was so full of fish that they couldn’t even pull it into their boat. After this miracle, the disciples realized that the man standing on the shore was the resurrected Jesus.

There’s nothing wrong with having plans and assurances, but sometimes we are called to cast out our nets in faith not yet knowing what they will yield.

This month, we’re celebrating God’s faithfulness to our ministry. Within the past year, we’ve had the opportunity to impact more than 9,000 patients’ lives at Good Sam East, and we continue to flourish.

We’re grateful for the opportunities we have to serve our community, and we’re blessed to have supporters who have given so graciously. We hope you celebrate our East clinic’s first anniversary with us and pray for many more years of ministry.

Feature photo credit: noomhh— 

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